With nearly 20 years of professional experience, Pannon Építőműhely Kft. (Pannon Buildings Energetics Ltd.) offers comprehensive energy consultancy services to its customers as an independent engineering office. Our objective is to support our corporate, institutional and retail customers with our expert knowledge in the energy field in order to implement cost-efficient and environmentally conscious operations.
In the course of the energy consultancy, all areas of operation where energy savings can be achieved are assessed. Through our basic services and comprehensive energy management service packages, we seek out significant energy cost savings for our customers. These savings ensure our customers the opportunity for modernization and in addition to cost efficiency, the solutions also lead to a ready-to-go position for the submission of applications for calls for proposals in order to access new income resources.
Our comprehensive energy consultancy services range from the optimization of energy procurement, and the elaboration of the development concept all the way to implementation, where the company owners’ entire decision-making process is supported by engineering and economic calculations.
Lengyel Ágoston - Managing Director
Ybl Miklós College, Architect
Lengyel Kristóf - Director for Energy Services
Corvinus University of Budapest, Special Economist in Energy Management
Ácsné Benyó Magdolna - Energy Consultant
Ybl Miklós College, Architect
Sashalmi Gellért - Software developer
Lengyel Richárd - Software developer
Lengyel Nándor - Software developer
Krajcsi Márton - Software developer
Sarkadi Örkény - Sales manager
Sipos Boglárka - Technical coordinator
Géczy Leila - Technical coordinator
Ács Vince - Construction technician
ifj. Ács Vince - Construction technician
Pompor Gyula - Mechanical Engineer
We provide full-scale services during the building of energy-saving family houses as well as during the construction of apartment buildings and commercial properties. Using modern building materials, complying with the standards of our modern age, we provide the economical construction of energy-saving buildings to our customers.
During the construction of family houses, as well as apartment buildings, we are ready to use the most recent technology. Ideally, already in the planning phase, we can contact our Customers and this way, among others, we can facilitate the process of building an energy-saving house and the selection of suitable structural elements by detailed energy-efficiency calculationHospital Nyírő Gyula, Press conference Lengyel Ágoston and Lengyel Kristóf |
IME Conference Lengyel Kristóf |
HuGBC conference Lengyel Kristóf |
HuGBC conference Lengyel Kristóf |