Modernization Programme for Institutions

Modernization Programme for Institutions » Épületenergetika kezdőlap » Intézmények korszerűsítési programja

As a part of the programme, we provide an opportunity to hospitals, schools and other church / local governmental / state institutions to explore savings independent of consumption and energy provider. Furthermore, we provide the following options:

  • Preparation of management decisions regarding the radical reduction of costs
  • Specification of the main guidelines for development opportunities and the calculation of the related investment and return
  • Establishing the priority order of developments by creating the investment ranking
  • For several buildings operated together the investment ranking of the buildings is determined
  • Walking through the institution from the basic examinations until the submission of tender documents

Parts of the Programme:

  • Energy review
  • Energy concept
  • Installation of theEnergy Control System
  • Compilation of tender documents

Step 1: Energy Review

Future cost savings (account audit focused on fixed performance and reactive power optimization) and retroactive cost savings for the previous 2 years (examination of compliance for tariff classification).

Step 2: Energy Concept

By elaborating a 6-module concept and knowing the shortest return periods, the energy strategy of the institution can be created. In the course of revealing the energy loss, among many others, the public utility data of the institution for the previous period are analyzed, as well as the buildings’ geometrical and physical properties, the thermo technical features of the bounding structures (facade, beams, floor on the soil or basement slabs, as well as the windows and doors) and any observations regarding the heating.

Step 3: Installation of the Energy Control System

The data of the system established (and expandable) by Pannon Buildings Energetics can be tracked on an online interface for any reading locations and for any period. The System provides data history with the adequate details required for tenders (due to the readings completed every 15 minutes, millions of pieces of data are available)

Step 4: Assembling the technical chapters of tenders

On the basis of the data gained in the course of the energy calculations, we prepare the technical chapters of the EU and national tenders.

From savings to tender preparation?

Successful tenders, project presentations

One of our clients, the Temesvári Pelbárt Franciscan High School and Boarding School in Esztergom was granted HUF 254 million for a tender submitted for the EEOP (Environment and Energy Operational Programme). How could they succeed?

Some of our institutional projects can be seen and read over in our online publication

Financing opportunities besides tenders

Your energy savings explored by us (independent of consumption and energy service provider) can also cover the costs of our full-scale service packages! Therefore, apart from further cost saving, they also create a financing opportunity for the developments. On the other hand, the studies created as a result of our work are the basis for successful participation in calls for tenders.


Modernization programme for institutions


  • By ensuring a status ready for tender submission, our clients can gain an advantage of 2 to 3 months compared to other applicants
  • Sufficient information for the optimal utilization of EU and national funds
  • Ensuring financing solutions: the exploration of savings may provide the financing for the Programme
  • Support for management decisions with specific data
  • Setting up a modernization strategy including the development options determined based on the investment and return calculations
  • The correct specification of the optimal development ranking for several simultaneously buildings,
  • The Energy Control System ensures,
    • the option of online intervention and control
    • owner’s and operator’s presence
    • by learning about the precise energy utilization habits of each large consumer, it makes it possible to avoid peak consumptions by restricting simultaneities
    • the comparability of large consumers
    • the scheduling of maintenance works most efficient from the point of view of energy
    • knowing the costs precisely facilitates making future economic decisions
    • in the framework of energy consultancy, we suggest saving measures and make recommendations as a result of the control data analysis, 
2014-12-15 23:52:34

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